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Wetland evolution and environmental effects


Based on RS technology and experimental methods, the main research focuses on the evolution and dynamic monitoring of wetland ecosystem, the wetland hydro-ecological processes and its environmental effects, the wetland ecological processes and the effects of LUCC upon wetland functions, the nutrient transfer process and the pollution control mechanisms of wetland ecosystem, the environmental impact of great hydrologic engineering projects upon wetland, the degradation mechanisms of disturbed wetland, the theories and techniques of wetland restoration and reconstruction, and etc.


组员:陈世俭 厉恩华  蔡晓斌

Chief of group: Wang Xuelei

Member: Chen Shijian,Li Enhua, Cai Xiaobin


中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所版权所有 备案序号: 鄂ICP备20009030号-3
地址:湖北省武汉市徐东大街340号 邮编:430077 电话:027-68881355 传真:027-68881362